Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Earthquake Resistant Building Construction Civil May 2016 Diploma Paper
Earthquake Resistant Building Construction Civil May 2016 Diploma Paper
Q1A) Fill in the Blanks                           1×15=15
   i) The point where earthquake originates is known as ______________
  ii) Focus is also known as __________________
  iii) The record of earthquake is known as __________________
  iv) Primary and secondary waves are also known as _______________
  v) Most of earthquake originate due to __________ cause.
  vi) The fundamental period of 15 storey building is _____________
  vii) Strong vibrations of high intensity are recorded by ________________
 viii) Removal of people to safer places is called as _______________
  ix) Process of adding the strength to a weakened structure or damaged elements is called ____________
   x) ASR and MSR stands for ____________ and ____________ respectively.
  xi) __________ is preferred where earthquakes are more frequent.
  xii) Shapes like ____________ are preferred for symmetry.
 xiii) Ductile structures _________ show damages.
 xiv) Diaphragm is another name of ______________________
  xv) Zone V (having zone factor as 0.36) have __________ seismic intensity.
Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                  5×6=30
   i) Define seismic waves. What are the different seismic waves?
  ii) Differentiate between magnitude and intensity of earthquake.
  iii) Why Seismic Codes are useful?
  iv) What is the importance of foundation in buildings?
  v) What is earthquake disaster mitigation?
  vi) What role do the slabs play during earthquake?
 vii) What is disaster management?
Q3. Attempt any three questions.                            3×10=30
  i) Define earthquake. What are various causes of earthquake?
  ii) What is seismic zone mapping? What is its importance?
  iii) Write short notes on following:-
    a) Love waves b) Tsunamis.
  iv) Define out – of plane failure. What are its main causes?
  v) Define retrofitting of structures. Why it is required?
Earthquake Resistant Building Construction Civil May 2016 Diploma Paper
Get StartedSection a Earthquake Resistant Building Construction Civil May 2016 Diploma Paper
The point where earthquake originates is known as _______________ Focus is also known as ______________ The record of earthquake is known as ______________ Primary and secondary waves are also known as ______________ Â Most of earthquake originate due to __________ cause. The fundamental period of 15 storey building is ___________________ Strong vibrations of high intensity are recorded by ______________________ Removal of people to safer places is called as _______________ Process of adding the strength to a weakened structure or damaged elements is called ____________ ASR and MSR stands for ____________ and ____________ respectively. __________ is preferred where earthquakes are more frequent. Shapes like ____________ are preferred for symmetry. Ductile structures _________ show damages. Diaphragm is another name of ___________ Zone V (having zone factor as 0.36) have __________ seismic intensity.Earthquake Resistant Building Construction Civil May 2016 Diploma Paper Click Here
Section B :Earthquake Resistant Building Construction Civil May 2016 Diploma Paper
Define seismic waves. What are the different seismic waves?Seismic waves and different seismic waves
Differentiate between magnitude and intensity of earthquake.
Comparison between magnitude and intensity of earthquake.
Why Seismic Codes are useful?
Why Seismic Codes are useful
What is the importance of foundation in buildings?
Importance of foundation in buildings
What is earthquake disaster mitigation?
Earthquake disaster mitigation
What role do the slabs play during earthquake?
Role do the slabs play during earthquake
What is disaster management?
Disaster management
Earthquake Resistant Building Construction Civil May 2016 Diploma Paper Click Here
Earthquake Resistant Building Construction Civil May 2016 Diploma Paper
Get Started c :-Earthquake Resistant Building Construction Civil May 2016 Diploma Paper
Define earthquake. What are various causes of earthquake?Earthquake. What are various causes of earthquake
What is seismic zone mapping? What is its importance?
Seismic zone mapping and its importance
Write short notes on following:- a) Love waves b) Tsunamis.
Short notes on following:-
a) Love waves
b) Tsunamis.
Define out – of plane failure. What are its main causes?
What is out – of plane failure and its main causes
Define retrofitting of structures. Why it is required?
Retrofitting of structures. Why it is required
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